giovedì 12 gennaio 2012

Keys Galore

Key rings can tell you about different personality types.  Some people have lots of different key chains from all the wonderful places they have traveled.  Some people have keys from every house or apartment they have ever lived or worked.  Some people have clips and remotes to help find the keys when they are misplaced.  Key rings are a very personal and each person likes what they like!  Matt and I are very simple key ring people. My keys have just the keys I used on a daily basis- my car, house, and mailbox.  Matt’s keys had his house key, mailbox, car key, and car remote. There is a separate key ring that has the house keys for my mom’s house, the beach house, the house in Maryland, and Jay and Tracie’s house which I bring when we are going to those places.  Since we sold my car in October and rented our house in October, I only have the key to our hotel room.  It is a key on a very LARGE key ring. 
Yesterday we got the keys to our new home. 
This is not what I would call a small key ring!!  There is a key to the house, a key to the alarm, a key to the breaker box, a key to the garage, a remote to the gate, and there will be a remote to the garage.  All the keys for the windows and shutters are still in the house.  This is not going to fit well into a pocket.  Please notice the length of the house key:
I guess we are going to be big key ring kind of people for the next three years!

2 commenti:

  1. Will you get a big chain and wear it on your belt hook? That's how it is done in the south.

    Very excited you have house keys. It's cute how you notice the little things in life when it becomes a different way of doing things. It is a pretty key!

    Carolyn will have lots to play with when you give her the keys to keep her busy.

  2. I guess you won't have to have all the frequent spender cards there. I just counted mine...12 from groceries,hardware,sports,drug,tech,and misc stores.
    I agree it is a pretty key, hard to lose!
    Glad you are finally going to get settled in your new home!
