In the past few weeks, we have had several major events in our home. The first was the air conditioning in the baby’s room. For whatever reason, the water did not drain properly. Instead of draining outside of the house, it drained inside, on the hardwood floor and all the stuff I had underneath the unit. Of course I noticed this at 11:00 at night when Matt was away on travel. So I mopped it up and put a bucket underneath the unit and tried to get the baby to go back to sleep after a midnight game of watching mommy crawl around on the floor! Thank goodness the handyman came the next day and was able to fix the problem.
My cute dress Mommy made me |
A few days later, the hard wood floor decided to bubble up.
Then the toilet in the downstairs bathroom decided to leak/flood the bathroom. And I am very thankful to say it was clean water from the top of the tank and not from the toilet. (Flashbacks to when I lived with Tanis in Cary and we had some “issues” in our apartment that the health department would not have approved of but we are not allowed to discuss because of the agreements made during the lease breaking party.) The handyman came and worked on the toilet and needed to buy a piece so he left. (This means the project remains unfinished until he returns the next day or maybe the next week…it’s a big guess!)
The next morning I woke up and started my morning routine with the baby. As we walked into the living room, I noticed what I thought was a piece of rolled up paper towel. I went to pick it up and discovered it was plaster. My first thought was “where is roomba and what did she get into?” After discovering that Roomba was safely docked and not actually run the night prior, I looked up. The entire light fixture was hanging by wires and one corner of the scalloped edge. I immediately called Matt and then I went to find Rita. Of course I have no idea how to say “the light fixture is falling off the ceiling can you please call Vitale?” so I bring her to my house and point. And she says “Oh……..god.” I had to laugh that one of the few phrases in English she knows is “oh my god.” She calls Vitale and he comes back and fixes the light and the toilet. He won’t fix the floor. He says it will go back to normal eventually.
I know that in the next two and a half years we will have more things break and need Vitale to come and fix. Hopefully, we won’t have them all in the same week!